About Me

I'm Yathmi Jayadeepa,

Nurse Manager, Co-founder of UX Alchemy, and a passionate advocate for self-love and personal growth.

Yathmi Jayadeepa

When I'm not in scrubs, you'll often find me with a pen in hand, dancing to my favorite tunes, or brainstorming ways to make the world a little brighter. My diverse interests—healthcare, writing, personal growth—have all shaped my belief that self-love is the key to a fulfilling life.

This blog is where I combine my passions, offering practical advice, personal stories, and a healthy dose of inspiration. Whether you're here to learn, grow, or simply connect with others on a similar path, you're warmly welcomed.

Hi everyone and welcome to Be Better Version website.  My name is Gihan Akalanka. I’m from a small country called Sri Lanka. I’m a Freelance Web Developer, YouTuber & Teacher. I love farming, teaching, and creating/fixing websites. I quit my 9 to 5 software engineering job and start online freelancing work. That was the first biggest decision in my life. I had a lot of free time when I quit my job. In that free time, I hit on the gym and try to get a good-looking body. I didn’t want to get a body like a bodybuilder. I only want to live a healthy and happier life. I created this blog to to share my experience with health, wealth, and happiness! hope you’ll get good information here. Gihan, Founder of Be Better Version bebetterversion.com  
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