What is The Purpose of Living - Real Truth About Life Purpose

Most people try to find their life purpose. But the question is, do they find it? Also, a lot of bloggers talk about what is the purpose of living. Did they find it? By the way, in this post, I’m going, telling the truth about your purpose of living life purpose. This information is entirely different from other articles and videos on the internet. So keep reading.

As humans, we all need a purpose in our life. If we don’t have a purpose, we will be like a straw scarecrow. When we don’t have a purpose, we are nothing, hopeless and empty.

When we are empty, we find a way to escape from reality. As a result of that, we make distinctions by scrolling social media, drinking alcohol; spend most of the time with our friends and family. Also, we watch inappropriate videos and movies and playing games at all times.

Those all things are distractions. But there is no problem with watching movies, playing games and spends time with our family and friends.

But the problem is we do those things to refill our emptiness. We make distractions for an escape from our reality.

One of My Life Story

gihan akalanka

Two years ago, I worked for a Software engineering company as an intern web developer. They had crazy rules about freelancing and work on outside projects. It is a dead-end job.

So in my free time, I only did watch TV series and playing games. I didn’t have any purpose at that time, so I always make distractions and escape from reality.

Now I have a purpose in my life. But I still watch TV series and playing games. The difference is now I enjoy watching that stuff and playing games. Now I don’t do it to distract, and I don’t try to escape from my reality. Now I enjoy what I do in my free time.

The biggest issue is when we make distractions; it feels like we are complete. Because when we do those things, it’s feeling happy and we feel lucky about our self. The truth is, this feeling coming from externally. In other words, those distractions give pleasure to our eyes, ears, mouth & body. It not affected to us (our heart), When we go away from this distraction that nothingness comes again to ourselves. Because our hearts still empty.

When we feel complete internally, this nothingness will go away if we want to complete our self internally. To achieve our self from internally, we must have a purpose.

How to Find Our Life Purpose?

As I told before a lot of bloggers and YouTubers talk about what is the purpose of living. They give a lot of tips to find your purpose. To find your purpose do this, read this book. Wake up at 4.00 am.

You don’t need to find your life purpose. You have to give purpose to your life. From now, don’t waste your time by finding your purpose. Only you have to give purpose to your life. After you did it, you will see apparent differences.

It doesn’t matter you are a driver, mechanic or accountant. Just give your life to the purpose and stop making excuses.

Start Little by Little.

Try to make a goal for one week after one week extends that time limit. When you give purpose to yourself and work for your purpose, your life will boost as a jet.

The only thing do not limit yourself by make terms like this is my purpose after achieving my purpose I’m complete, I don’t need another purpose. We always change. Think back to one year of your life. Is that person still inside of you or different? Most of the time, you are a new person. So always give purpose to yourself.

This concept is one of the best things I understand in my whole life. So I write this post not only to you but also to me. When I make life purpose, my lifestyle completely changed, I hope this will work for you.

So do not ask what the purpose of living is. Just create a purpose and work for it.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed the post. See you in another post. If, you have any questions, feel free to comment below. I love to read it a reply.

Feel free to read other self-development articles. See you in another post.

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