Lessons Learned From Rejection - What Rejections Taught Me?

Did you know? Rejection is the best teacher. You are going to find out lessons learned from rejection. You’ll get a clear understand of what rejections taught me and how I change my thinking pattern.

Most people, including me, fear to reject. But when we spend our day, we all fail at least one time. When we rejected, Most of the time, we get angry or sad, and we never try that again because we fear to reject again.

But there have lessons learned from rejection, and those lessons help you to build your confidence and get more experience to be the better version of yourself. That means rejection is a good thing.

So I will share why rejection good and what rejections taught me?

Lessons Learned From Rejection

lessons learned from rejection

What Rejections Taught Me when I Failed the Interview?

I will share one of my biggest rejections. This happened in my 20s. At that time I learn to program languages to be a software engineer. So, as usual, I have to face interviews to become a trainee web developer.

The funny thing is I already rejected two times before I face this Interview. Anyway, I have to face three parts of this Interview to pass it and get the job. So it held for three days.

On the first day, I go to that company for my first Interview. So there were two interview board members.

One member asked me simple questions like,

  • How much you want as your basic salary?
  • Do you have previous experience with a real client?
  • How many projects did you complete?

Those questions are so simple. So I felt like winning the world. After a few days, they called me to the second Interview.

That Interview is a one-hour coding interview. Basically, I have to build a small CMS (content management system) application. For me, it’s like a piece of cake.

I made grate applications according to their requirements within one hour. So I felt the same as my first day.

After 2-3 days, they call me for the third Interview. And they gave me the time to face that Interview. So I went there. At that time, my confidence level boost to 100%.

Because I knew I pass that two interviews, and those interviews were so easy. So I went to a room, and there were 8-10 judge board members on a big table. At first, I was confused.

They told me to sit on a chair. Then start to ask an advanced question. I answer some questions. But I didn’t have an answer to the most questions.

After 10-15 minutes, they told me.

We will inform you within a few days

When I leave that place, I felt like a loser, and I was mad at them, and I tell myself to never go to Interviews.

Yes. As you think, they never call me again.

I Rejected


So this is one of a bad rejection in my life. At that time, I thought it as my failure. But now I see it as a big life lesson because, after that Interview, I apply for my 4th Interview.

In that Interview, I passed and became a trainee web developer. I prepared for my 4th Interview because of my previews rejection.

I failed a lot of times in my life. I get rejected by girls, and I fail a lot of exams.

I failed a lot of times in my life. I get rejected by girls, and I fail a lot of exams. Also, I fail to complete my Software Engineering degree. Not only that, but I also lose a lot of money by investing in bitcoin.

Feel free to check more information about me.

Lessons Learned From Rejection

lessons learned from rejection

It doesn’t matter what your country, skin color, or social state. You already rejected the same as I rejected. But that situation and experience may be different.

Rejection and failure are painful and hard to accept. Also, it hurt every single time when we fail. So it’s totally fine to give a few hours or a few days to pass this bad feeling.

But you have to go back to normal life as soon as possible, and you must ask this question from yourself.

What can I do different not to fail next time when I have to face a situation like this and get a better result?

If you ask what rejections taught me? The above question is the answer. It is a powerful and best way to build confidence and face any kind of obstacles in your life.

As an example, if your partner broke up with you and you try to send a lot of texts to get her back, or you keep trying to contact her. If you become annoying to your partner, you will never get her back.

If next time this same situation happens, you can stay without trying to contact her and stop texting and try to get over from the breakup.

So you have to learn the lessons from your failures and rejections. Next time you fail, you can stay confident because you already face this rejection. So that is not a big deal.

Conclusion of Lessons Learned From Rejection

In our lifetime, we have to reject again and again. Try to apply this method when you fail. When you do this regularly, you will become grates version of yourself.

Not only that, but you will also have a lot of lessons learned from rejection. Those lessons will help you to face that situation better than before.

So now you know what rejections taught me. This is what I have today. Let me know if you have any kind of question by putting a comment below.

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Feel free to read my other self-development articles. Thank you for reading. I will see you next time!

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