Stop Being Shy Around People - Easy 3 Tips

We all have shyness. If you are an introvert person like me, shyness is the best enemy. I’m struggling with social anxiety. When I talk with someone, I try to skip from speaking less. Sometimes we miss the best and unforgettable moment because of shyness. So we have to face our shyness and live the life we want to live. Here I will share three tips to stop being shy around people.

Extend Your Comfort Zonecomfort zone

Expand the comfort zone by doing things you never do or do something you are not comfortable in your life. Expand your comfort zone is hard to do. When you try to do an uncomfortable thing for the first time, your mind will make a lot of excuses.

Also, shyness will play a significant role when you do uncomfortable things. When you do some unpleasant stuff again and again regularly, that will be comfortable. So you will not shy to do that thing.

When you are comfortable with something, which means you extend your comfort zone. So try to expand your comfort zone more and more. This practical, and you will be able to stay without shyness in any situation.

If you don’t have an idea about where to start, the best way is to find small things to do. When you do those things, you will not get uncomfortable. You will able to handle the situation without being embarrassing.

Things like,

  • Talk with strange people
  • Ask location from girls
  • Visit new places and get a picture of that paces

Those are the natural step to do without being embarrassing. When I try to extend my comfort zone, those things I did for my first time.

Read Understand Your Mind Power And Do Not Overthink article to find more about overthinking.

Stay Present Moment


Another most significant issue for shyness is overthinking. Most people do not stay present moment when they go to the social situation. Most of the time, they try to guess and thinks about “what other people think about them”. So they will try to find their insecurities. And it will make them shy all the time.

If you have this kind of behavior, you have to stop overthinking and stop think about some bad experiences that happened in the past. When you get some negative feeling like

  • When I talk with her.
  • She will ignore me.
  • If I sit here, they will go away.

Those are the most common negative feelings.

You have to come back to the present moment by distracting those negative feelings. The easy way is when you overthink something, try to think another thing, or try to talk with someone who stays alone.

Also, you can use 5 seconds rule. When you overthink before approaching a girl or pass a group of people count 5 to 0 and do that thing without a second guess.

Maybe you are shy because of your insecurities like your hair, clothes, or some issue with you.

In that situation, you have to let go of that insecurity. Because you can’t fix it in social cases, only you can do think about it and ruin your whole time. So at that moment, you have to let that go.

If that insecurity can fix, you have to do what you can to fix it. If your hair and beard are too long and ugly, you can go to the salon and change your hairstyle.

If you got bald, you can’t fix it quickly, so you have to let it go. We all have insecurities, so we have to handle that insecurity,

Be More Socialize

with girlfriend

If you are an introvert person, you have a lot of shyness. So you have to be more socialize. If you skip social situations or your friends, you have to change it and face those situations. Also, try to keep eye contact with peoples. Maintaining eye contact is helped me to stop being shy around people.

When you keep your eye contact, most of the time, they watch away. When they do it, you will be able to build confidence. The easy way is while you walk or go outside, try to watch people’s faces and smile with them. When you do this, some people will smile back, and some people will not laugh at you.

When you smile and keep eye contact, your fear will go away. And you will able to watch the face of people around you. When you do this consistently, you will not be shy.

Keep eye contact is the same as expand your comfort zone. Try this for one week; you will see a clear difference.

You can follow these three tips to stop being shy around people. I hope you get useful information. Thank you for reading!

Feel free to read my other self-development articles by clicking here.

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